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THEO542 (Core)

Comparative Theology Prerequisites Pending Course Description In addition to a general introduction to the discipline of comparative theology, this course focuses mainly on a detailed comparison of the creeds of the Ash`ari school of theology with those of the...

THEO532 (Core)

Comparative Dialectic Theology: Abū Muʿīn al-Nasafī’s Tabṣirat al-Adillah II Prerequisites Pending Course Description The course consists of an intensive study of Abū Mu’īn Maymūn b. Muḥammad al-Nasafī’s (d. 508/1115) Tabṣirat al-Adillah fī Uṣūl al-Dīn, one of...

LAW511 (Core)

Introduction to Islamic Legal Maxims: Qawāʿid al-Majallah Prerequisites Pending Course Description Majallat al-Aḥkām al-‘Adliyyah, which was composed between 1868-1876 by a committee of jurists led by Ahmet Cevdet Pasha (d. 1895), the justice minister of the...

LAW502 (Core)

Advanced Legal Reasoning in the Ḥanafī School: al-Marghīnānī’s al-Hidāyah Volume 4 Prerequisites Pending Course Description al-Marghīnānī’s (d. 593/1196) al-Hidāyah empowers the student with a comprehensive understanding of each legal issue through delving into...

ARAB532 (Core)

Advanced Arabic Rhetoric: Talkhīṣ al-miftāḥ and Mukhtaṣar al-Maʿānī II Prerequisites Pending Course Description Mukhtaṣar al-Ma’ānī is Sa’d al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī’s (d. 792/1390) commentary on Khaṭīb al-Qazwīnī’s (d. 739/1338) Talkhīṣ al-Miftāḥ, which in turn...

THEO599 (Core)

Thesis Research and Methodology Prerequisites Pending Course Description This course is a requirement for completion of a thesis in the advanced program. The student will choose a thesis adviser based upon the subject of interest, who will advise the student on...