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Installing and Loading Fonts/Honorifics, & Checking if they are visible for you:

1) Download everything in the DQ Standard Fonts google drive folder  into a folder of your own.

2) Right click anywhere in the folder, click “Sort by > Type”

3) Grab all the .tff files and drop them into your fonts folder (12 total).

4) Open the word doc called “Honorific Fonts

5) If the fonts have loaded into your computer, instead of seeing square boxes, you will see the honorifics (jalla jalaluhu, radhiyallahu anhu, etc.)

How to hotkey the Honorifics once installed and visible:

6) In microsoft word, in the Honorific Fonts file, make sure ‘enable editing [yellow bar that pops up on the bar sometimes when starting MS word] has been clicked if it shows up.

7) Highlight any symbol (make it blue by dragging a left click) then while it is still highlighted, click the “Insert tab” at the top of the page

8) At the very right of the Insert tab there is a “Symbol” box. Click the Symbol drop down bar. Click on “More Symbols

9) Whatever honorific that you have highlighted will automatically show up (because it was highlighted). Now you may hotkey it.

10) Click “Shortcut Key” and implement whichever Shortcut key you would like (I recommend using alt+ any other key for most. ex. alt B for bismillah)

How to hotkey the Diacritic Stretch Symbols once installed:

11) Since your fonts are already installed, now open up the “Diacritic Transliteration Hotkeys+Author guide” word doc

12) Use the same hotkey method above (steps 7-10). I recommend the alt keys (example alt+h for the “ḥ”, alt+shift+capital H  for the ” Ḥ” (etc.)

Darul Qasim Citation Method:

13) Use the Author Guide section of the “Diacritic Transliteration Hotkeys+Author guide” word doc to learn how to cite sources according to the Darul Qasim method.

It is a combination of IJMES (International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies) transliteration guidelines, and IEQ (Integrative Encyclopedia of the Qur’an) citations, found in their Author Guide [IEQ Author guide mostly follows the CMS citation method].

14) For ease of  usage, you may use the pre-made tools in MS word for bibliographies/paragraph or footnote citations. When doing this, put the last name of the author, followed by a comma, then their titles/first name. This is because the built in citation method will not place last name, first name automatically.

Example:al-Bayhaqī, Abū Bakr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī. Allah’s Names and Attributes: al-Asmāʾ wa al-Ṣifāt. Excerpts. Trans. Gibril Fouad Haddad